Renewal Church Boston

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Let there be Light!

Jesus said, “You are the light of the world… let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” 

We have had an incredible year as a church. We have seen Jesus made famous, people made whole, and Boston made new. As a church, you have shined! 

And we are just getting started…

This December we are giving to a special year-end offering called Let There be Light! Our focus on three specific areas will help us accomplish the mission of the church faster.

Our goal for the month is $31,665.69. (That is $12,249 above budget)

Here’s how it works, in the month of December, every dollar given above the budget will go to one of three areas:

Mary Ellen McCormack Ministry

We will fund the ministry at the Mary Ellen McCormack housing development and transition from hosting fun events to meeting needs and then bring faith to the community. Our goal is to start a Bible study this Fall. Instead of expecting the community to come to our church, we want to bring Jesus to the community.

Refugees in Greece

Out of the news-cycle but not out of God’s concern, we will fund the Dimakos and the Sinde families who are serving as missionaries in Athens. They are meeting the physical and spiritual needs of refugees. Your gifts will feed the hungry and also train ministry leaders who will spread the gospel across Europe.

Growing as a Cross-Class, Multi-Racial Family

To glorify God we must continue to grow in our ability to love across cultures, across races, and across classes. We want to bring in experts on multi-cultural churches to teach our church on Sunday and train the leadership team in effective strategies for leading multi-racial churches. Our desire is that Sunday morning looks more like heaven will.

What I’m asking you to do today is to pray about what amount God would have you give in December above and beyond your regular giving to let there be light: in the church, in Boston, and around the world!

[Thank you for reading! If you are looking for a church in Boston or churches in Boston please consider giving Renewal Church a try!]