Renewal Church Prayer Guide

Go to to access this same guide online, including active links to Google Maps for each of the prayer locations.

1. The State House - Beacon and Park St. Boston, MA 01233

  • for Marty Walsh the mayor of Boston
  • that our leaders would do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly
  • for God to raise up Christians to serve the city through public service

2. The Common

  • that the homeless who live in the common would receive Christ
  • that the homeless would be protected and provided for
  • for the families who play in (and on, in the Winter) the Frog Pond
  • that Park Street Church would continue to flourish and lead many to glorify the name of Christ in the city of Boston. And for their pastor Dr. Huggenburger.

3. Emerson College – 120 Boylston St. Boston, MA

  • that the Christian students of Emerson would be bold and not afraid and effective in proclaiming the gospel
  • that many students would receive Christ
  • that Christian students at Emerson would produce great and beautiful art that glorifies our Creator God.

4. The Statue of George Washington – in The Public Garden

  • Pause here to pray for our nation however the Lord leads you.

5. Commonwealth Ave. and Berkeley St.

  • For the residents of Back Bay to sense that their riches are unstable and their true need for a savior
  • That God would bless Story Heights Church and Reunion Church who meet in the Back Bay

6. Josiah Quincy School – 885 Washington St.

  • For headmaster Chang who is a believer
  • This is where Renewal Church meets.  Pray that Renewal would be effective in proclaiming the gospel to the lost.
  • that we would glorify God with our lives, before the city of Boston
  • for Pastor Jared Kirk, his wife Heather, and their son Jude
  • for the leadership of the church to dream God’s dreams, to hear and to obey his voice
  • for the people of the church to think of themselves as missionaries to the city of Boston
  • that the church would be desperate to know and obey the Word of God
  • Pray for unity.  Especially that unity in the midst of our diversity would display the power of the gospel.
  • That the church would be marked by audacious faith
  • That God would protect us from the Evil One.
  • That the children grow up to know and serve the lord
  • For the teachers, faculty, and staff to guide the children well

7.  Trinity Church – Copley Square

  • For the great many churches in the city to recapture their belief that the word of God is perfect as it stands and is authoritative over all of life
  • For every church in the city to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.

8. The Prudential Tower – 800 Boylston St.
Note – if you want a drink there is a food court inside the Prudential Center.

  • That business leaders would work toward the goal of human flourishing in the city of Boston
  • That businesses and business leaders would act justly toward the poor
  • That Christian business owners in Boston would glorify Christ by the way they conduct business and pay their employees
  • That Christians would be known for being world-class employees and business persons because of their work-ethic and integrity

9. The Christian Science Church – 250 Massachusetts  Ave.

  • That the church would aspire to build beautiful places for the good of the city
  • For the many people in Boston who are deceived in cults, that they would discover the truth and the freedom found in Christ and in the Scriptures
  • Pray that Christians in the city would know what they believe and would be educated about what Christian Science really teaches

10. Berkley College of Music – 150 Massachusetts Ave.

  • Pray that the Christians of Berkley would create music that glorifies God with it’s beauty and creativity
  • Pray that a great many students would receive Christ and be saved.
  • Pray for the students to engage with and bless local churches all over Boston.