Adult Baptism in Boston

Have you been wanting to get baptized, but you aren’t connected to a local church in Boston? At Renewal Church we can help you get baptized.

About Baptism

Baptism is for anyone who has placed their faith in Jesus Christ to be their Savior and Lord. In more contemporary language, you could say that baptism is for anyone that has asked Jesus to be the forgiver of their sins and the leader of their life.

Baptism is a way of saying that you are dying to an old, sinful way of life and being raised to walk in a new way of life. It is declaring that you have been born again into the family of Jesus.

About Church

If you don’t have a local church in Boston that will baptize you then you actually need two things, don’t you? You need to be baptized to follow your Lord AND you need a local church to belong to. Renewal Church has become the spiritual home of many people who have been baptized here. They are being discipled in Community Groups, serving on teams, and connected to godly leaders. At your baptism service you’ll have the opportunity to sign up for a four week experience called Next Steps where you can get more involved.

What’s My Next Step?

Currently we have an adult baptism service once per month. Head over to and sign up for the next service today. You’ll be contacted by someone from the church who can help you get ready for baptism.