Today Pastor Jared discusses how faith infiltrates and integrates with every part of life.
The Power of Your Word - James 5:12- 7/24/2016
The Pitfalls of Wealth - James 5:1-6 - 7/10/16
Pastor Jake Randolph shared some valuable thoughts on wealth and how to handle it to further God's Kingdom.
The Best Laid Plans - James 4:13-17 - 7/3/16
Today Pastor Jared Kirk talked about keeping a loose grip on your own plans and a tight grip on your Lord.
Fights and Quarrels - James 4:1-12 - 6/26/16
Today Pastor Jared spoke on some key principals on how to deal with conflicts in life and relationships.
Godly Wisdom - James 3:13-18 - 6/19/16
Today Pastor Jared Kirk talked about the importance of seeking wisdom from above.
Faith without Works is Dead - James 2:14-26 - 6/5/16
Taming the Tongue - James 3:1-12 - 6/12/16
Today Jake Randolph spoke on being mindful of your speech and ways in doing so.
Hearing or Doing - James 1:22-27 - 5/22/16
Pastor Jared spoke about not only hearing the word, but applying it to our lives everyday.
Anger - Growing Up - James 1:19-21 - 5/15/16
This morning Jonathan Moseley preached on what James wrote on anger and how anger stops you from growing closer to Christ.